Establishment of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries

The founding of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries by Dr. Olukoya in 1989 broke all known paradigms making the rounds in Christendom. In the first place, it did not conform to the regular prosperity and get rich sermons that were prevalent at the time. MFM and its establishment was complete proof that God actually called his servant, Olukoya.

His field of practice was rare, and his obedience to the call has paved way for his astronomical rise. Consequently, from a prayer meeting in 1989 in his living room, Olukoya has transformed the vibrant ministry into a mega religious organization with branches across the world in addition to first-rate medical, educational, and sporting facilities.

MFM is a Pentecostal denomination with churches in several countries of the world, with a central mandate to set the oppressed free through vociferous prayers and deliverance exercises. Many publications on deliverance are credited to the simple man, who many refer to as General Overseer, such as the popular prayer book known as The Prayer Bible.

As the name implies, the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries places a great emphasis on wonders, miracles, and other Apostolic acts. Five years after, precisely on April 24, 1994, the prayer group held its first service at the International Headquarters of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries located on a previously abandoned slum near the University of Lagos. This was converted to a mega worship center. It created open doors for worshippers and those in need, and within a short time, the congregation grew beyond imagination, posing a challenge for crowd control.

Dr. Olukoya has remained uncompromising in his doctrine and has continually insisted that women wear skirts and headcovers when attending services in any location. Again, prayers tend to be repetitions of faith-based claims, spiritual decrees, and commanding prayers often directly from Scriptures and proclaim that safety lies within Jesus Christ.

It is his belief that prayers ought to be loud and “spiritually violent”, in as much as the church preaches against physical violence. Every violence, according to Olukoya is directed at the devil according to 2 Corinthians 10:4 and Ephesians 6:12. With a team of wise management committees and God’s divine inspiration, Olukoya began to expand the vision and created a network of branches in every state capital, local government headquarters, senatorial district, and locality. The spread was immense as it soon moved to other African countries and then, the world. This kind of success could only come from someone divinely led. It is said that the phenomenal growth was in line with the commitment of the ministry vis a vis “the Revival of Apostolic Signs, Holy Ghost fireworks and the unlimited demonstration of the power of God to deliver to the uttermost”. With this, it is practically impossible that a man of Olukoya’s status could hurt a fly. He is a practical example of practicing what you preach.

With a team of wise management committees and God’s divine inspiration, Olukoya began to expand the vision and created a network of branches in every state capital, local government headquarters, senatorial district, and locality. The spread was immense as it soon moved to other African countries and then, the world. This kind of success could only come from someone divinely led. It is said that the phenomenal growth was in line with the commitment of the ministry vis a vis “the Revival of Apostolic Signs, Holy Ghost fireworks and the unlimited demonstration of the power of God to deliver to the uttermost”.

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MFM Ministries

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