When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he withdrew to Galilee.” Matthew 4:12
There are days of mistreatment that come from disloyal and jealous people. Sometimes good people experience bad consequences so the glory of God can be made known through their lives. God wants our faith to be unwavering and firm when we go through some tough situations in our lives because without it (Faith) it will be very impossible to please God.
Hebrews 11:1 says Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
The scripture clearly defines faith as the substance of things we are hoping for and the evidence of things we have not seen. Our faith is like a currency in the spirit because through it we can bring the hand of God into our situations no matter how hard and stubborn they are.
Therefore, I say unto you, whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them. Mark 11:24
Faith is the currency of Heaven. We provide the faith, and our God provides the hope for desires. It is not prayer alone that moves the hand of God. It is faith and faith alone, but faith is released through prayer, and that is what creates the confusion. We see someone praying, but we don’t see the faith on the inside that empowers the prayer and makes it work. We think it’s the outward observable prayer that moved the hand of God. It wasn’t. It was the hidden faith released in the prayer that moved God.
The trick in prayer, if there is one, is to have a sufficient amount of faith before you attempt the transaction. Don’t put your request out there without having something to back it up. Faith is the only thing of value that God accepts. He accepts it because it initially came from Him.
John boldly took a public stand for his faith and was punished for his courageous obedience to God. Do you feel like you have been wronged for doing right? Has your faith been put on trial, and were you convicted for speaking the truth? Your circumstance of ill treatment may not result in a physical rescue from Christ. It is in your trapped condition that He wants your intimacy with Him to grow deeper and sweeter.
When people see Jesus in your humble, non-defensive attitude, they hear His voice of truth. Learn your lessons from the Lord during stressful situations and leave it with Him to educate others in what needs to be done. Perseverance pays with respect and results. Cling to your core values as your compass for behavior. Your optimism is an insurgent against others’ insecurities. Let the Lord be your source of strength. Faith forged on the anvil of adversity becomes solid steel in mental toughness, emotional stability, and spiritual maturity.
Heavenly Father, use the unjust treatment I have received to bring redemption to those who need Your love and forgiveness. Help me to be consumed with trusting Christ and not with my unjust treatment. And by Your grace, Lord, lead me to truly love the unlovely and rest in Your love IN THE MIGTHY NAME OF JESUS. AMEN.