A brief illustration of lazarus coming forth after four days

When Mary and Martha sent the news to Jesus saying him whom thou lovest most is sick.
John 11:4: and Jesus said, this sickness is not unto death but for God to be glorified.
Beloved this verse of the scripture is telling us that, there are sicknesses that are unto death, remember verse 2 of the scripture john 11:4 says it was that Mary that anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped the feet of Jesus with her hair,…meaning she had paid the price, while you’re still strong, while you have so many resources you can use to serve God, please do cause there will come a time in our lives where we will need God desperately.

They knew that without the quick intervention of Jesus, Lazarus will not last…. to them they believed his sickness was unto death.
Mary and Martha watched their brother died, They waited for Jesus, but he didn’t come and they wondered why.
The death watch was over, he’s been buried for four days, and somebody said, Jesus is on His way,
Martha ran to Him and she cried, Lord, if you have been here, you could have healed him and he had still be alive.
But you’re four days late, and all hope is gone, Lord we don’t understand why you waited so long…
Jesus said Martha, show me the grave, but she said Lord, you don’t understand, he’s been there for four days and his remains must have started decaying and smelling.
The grave stone was rolled and Jesus cried and said Lazarus!!! Come forth and somebody said, he’s alive… he’s alive!!!.

You may be fighting a battle of fear, you cried to the lord and he can help but he has not appeared, friends don’t be discouraged cause he’s still the same…He’ll soon be here, he’ll roll back the stone and he’ll call out your name.

When he’s four days late and all hope is gone,
And you keep.wondering, Lord we don’t understand why you’ve waited so long… but remember His way is God’s way, not yours or mine, isn’t it great when he’s four days late and he’s still on time, Our God is not late, when he’s four days late cause he’s still on time.

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MFM Ministries

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