
Our Guide

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.” – John 16:13

One of the greatest conundrums of the Christian life is being faced with something you know is wrong and choosing whether or not to do it. This prompting in the face of conflict is called conviction, and conviction comes from the Holy Spirit. As you prepare for Pentecost, remember that the presence of the Holy Spirit is constant and consistent. Millions of tiny interactions take place between you and Him each day. You probably argue with Him far more than you think. But as the people of God, how often do we stop, surrender, and listen to the convictions and directives of the Spirit in our lives?

In John 16:13, Jesus explains how the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. The Holy Spirit is the special, God-given Guide sent to not only guide your everyday choices, but to be the truthful voice louder than the rest. Without the Holy Spirit, you would be lost in your understanding of what God is trying to reveal in His Word. As a gift of mercy and love, God sent the Holy Spirit to be with you, guiding your understanding of the truth.

It is important to remember there was a point in the Bible when the presence of the Holy Spirit was sensed by Jesus’ disciples for the first time. The Holy Spirit was tangibly heard, felt, and seen working in the people of God. Pentecost is the celebration of this moment in history. Can you imagine what it was like to be in the room with them during Pentecost? To witness the Holy Spirit appearing like a flame on people and seeing the effects He had on them that day?

The same Holy Spirit accessed at Pentecost is the same Holy Spirit accessible to you right now. When you worship, ask the Holy Spirit to guide your praise. When you feel conviction, listen to the Spirit and remember the promises in His Word. The Holy Spirit will guide you into the truth—and the truth will set you free. As Pentecost approaches, worship God and thank Him for the gift of the Holy Spirit as the Guide in your life.


Our Helper

“But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me.” – John 15:26

The Holy Spirit is not only your Guide, He is also your Helper. However, having a Helper does not mean you are void of any hardship. Daily, you are faced with hard decisions to make, but the good news is that your Helper can guide your steps by reminding you of who is really in charge. John 15:26 shows that Jesus fully intended for the Holy Spirit to bear witness to the things of God—to help you out when you cannot see God in the details of your circumstances. We are a fickle people and often, when we don’t see God at work, we forget He is working. The Spirit helps you keep the faith and to remember God is always at work in your life. God is still on the throne. Jesus is still your Savior. The Spirit is here to help. All hope is not lost. Some of you may need this reminder today.

The Bible promises God will never leave you or forsake you, in good times or bad. While this is true, God never goes anywhere uninvited. Seek the Holy Spirit in prayer and in His Word every day. When you do, a chain reaction begins. The more you seek the Spirit for help, the more you learn about who God is and how He works. The more you understand God, the easier it will become to understand how He is speaking to you when the tough times come.

Pray today and ask the Holy Spirit to be your Helper. Seek Him in all things and in all ways. In every decision you make, thought you think, and word you say. Trust the Holy Spirit to help show you the way.


Our Power

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” – Acts 1:8

All throughout the Bible you can read of the amazing signs and wonders of God’s power. From creating the waters in Genesis 1 to parting the waters in Exodus 14, from carving tablets of stone in Exodus 20 to using a tiny stone, a slingshot, and a young boy with big faith to slay a giant in 1 Samuel 17—God has done great things with His great power.

God’s great power is not only displayed in accounts of the Old Testament. If you follow Jesus, then the power of the Holy Spirit is available to you today. Acts 1:8 says you receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. The Holy Spirit is who empowers you to spread the gospel. He lovingly directs the intentions of your heart and the choices in your mind. You are not controlled like a robot, but rather transformed into a powerful, meaningful member of God’s family, motivated by the Spirit of God.

As you celebrate Pentecost, remember God has done great things in the past. Every page of the Bible proves it over and over. But the story doesn’t end there. God has given you an opportunity to join in His story and play a vital role that only you can play. God has made you perfectly suited for the exact thing He needs you to do for Him—and He gives you everything you need through the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray, asking God to give you opportunities to be a part of His story and display Holy Spirit power and love to a world who so desperately needs it.


Our Teacher

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” – Hebrews 11:1

Belief can be a tricky thing. Sometimes you believe because you witness something first-hand. For instance, you most likely believe water is wet because you probably drank water or took a bath recently. It would be illogical to say water is sandy, when you’ve seen and tasted that water is clearly wet. On the contrary, belief sometimes requires having confidence in things unseen. You can be certain of its truth because of your experiences. For instance, when a friend hugs you or says something nice, you believe their love for you is real because you learn their character as you get to know them. As a Christian, one of the best ways to learn the character of God is by reading Scripture. Revelation of God’s character leads you to deeper faith in Him. God’s Word holds every promise God has ever made. The more time you spend reading it, the more the Holy Spirit will reveal God’s promises to you.

Like reading the Bible, listening to music can also be a powerful tool the Spirit can use to teach you about Himself. Songs like “Fresh Wind” (Hillsong Worship), “Holy Spirit” (Bryan and Katie Torwalt, Kari Jobe), and “Promises” (Maverick City Music) all speak to the incredible nature of the Holy Spirit. As you approach Pentecost, immerse yourselves in songs like these. They will remind you of the Holy Spirit presence, power, and promise with you right now.

Hebrews 11:1 is a reminder how faith is the confidence of hope and the assurance of the unseen. As you navigate the forests of faith, filled with peaks and valleys of boldness and uncertainty, remember the hope you have in Christ. Easter teaches us that He has already won. The promise of Pentecost is only the continuance of this hope. It deserves all the excitement of Easter but with the added perspective that the presence of God is here, now, working and revealing His character to all who receive.


Our Friend

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” – John 14:26

This journey to better understand the Holy Spirit is not a journey easily taken. Many times, the church is unsure how to explain or discuss the Holy Spirit. The goal is not to explain or master your knowledge of Him. The goal is to invite the Holy Spirit into the spaces of your heart that only He can access. The Spirit is your Guide, your Helper, your Power, and your Teacher. He is also your Friend. The Message even paraphrases John 14:26 to say, “Our Friend, the Holy Spirit….” Like a good friend, you can call on the Holy Spirit at any time for any reason. You have unlimited access to the unlimited God. If this doesn’t signify the importance of Pentecost, what does?

Do you consider the Holy Spirit your Friend? Or is He out of reach, out of context, or out of sync with your life? If this devotional series teaches you nothing else, let it show you the importance of making regular choices to encounter the Holy Spirit. You cannot grow your friendship with another person without a regular phone call, grabbing coffee, or having a meaningful conversation. In many ways, your relationship with the Holy Spirit is no different. He is as approachable as a Friend, but you have to want to get to know Him and choose to spend time with Him.

Just like the unending love of the Father and the saving grace of the Son, the awakening presence of the Holy Spirit is a lifeline to a relationship with the triune God. Stop and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you today. Right now, even as you read this. Pause and invite the Holy Spirit to reveal more of Himself to you in this moment. Then, as you go throughout your day, allow this moment to transform into moments that shape your day. As you practice the discipline of inviting the Holy Spirit into your circumstances each day, you will begin to unlock a deeper understanding of His role in your life. Watch and see, the journey has only just begun.

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MFM Ministries

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