Alone With God

Our Text is taken from Gen. 32:22-28, Isa. 30:15, Mark 1:35, Mark 4:34

There is a deep ancient secret that is eluding the modern-day man and this is part of why we are so powerless and shallow. Jacob had 2 wives, 2 maidservants, 11 sons, plenty of cattle, yet he knew he was not a blessed man. He did not deceive himself. So you have a car or have plenty of cars, houses, many children, plenty of things, but it is not the sign that you are blessed. Jacob knew he was not a blessed person.

Everything started for Jacob when he was alone. In the second scripture, we understand that quietness has a mysterious power. For those of you who talk too much, it is why you are weak. “In quietness and confidence shall be your strength”. Now, let us look at Jesus. Jesus went alone in the morning, rising before the day.

Listen, beloved, the secret of strength lies in quietness. Quietness is greatly praised in the Bible. The Bible says there is a time to speak, and there is a time to be quiet. If you are speaking when you should be quiet, you are drained of spiritual strength. Many people dread being alone. Some would rather drown than be alone. Being alone with God has both deliverance – therapeutic and spiritual renewing power.

When you are alone with God, it has a strengthening power and re-energizing power. I did not talk about when you are alone and you are crying and feeling sorry for yourself, or you are wondering why your life is like this, or you are thinking and thinking and crying and crying. You are just wasting your time and if you are not careful, you will give yourself high blood pressure. Thinking has never solved anything for anybody.

And like I always tell you here, if crying and weeping can solve any problem, the whole of this world would be a large crying arena. Everybody would be wailing on the streets if they said the louder your wailing is the faster your miracle. So, wailing does not solve any problem. It becomes the words of that my former English teacher who said, “if beards were to signify intelligence, the goat would be a genius”.

So, if crying can bring a solution, everyone would be doing it. Jacob had spent his life wrestling with people. He wrestled with his brother Esau. He wrestled with his father Isaac. He wrestled with Laban, the one who gave him wives. He had been wrestling with people all his life. So, this time around when he was alone, God came to him as a wrestler.

It is when we are alone with God that He is able to mould us into something He can use. There are some things that a man will never learn from heaven until he is alone. There is some information that heaven will never download into your spirit when others are around you. So the major failure for today’s Christians spiritually is because we are far from God.

We need to learn how to be getting alone in God, waiting in silence and quietness before Him until He begins to give us information. Even a little silence in our noisy, busy lives can bring greater clarity and sharper vision.

This is now taking me to a level where we have to pray. I ask you a deep question: have you ever heard the Lord’s still small voice? The Bible calls it “a still small voice”. Or do you have a noisy inner man?

Is your heart a zoo of many animals making all kinds of noises? When was the last time you were quiet for 30 minutes, connecting your heart to heaven?

Are you able to just sit down without radio, television, internet, phone, just connecting to your Father in heaven? Or does silence bother you? Is there a satanic party going on inside of you? Do you have what we call “meditation failure” (you have trouble meditating; your heart is dancing about like a mosquito going from here to there)?


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MFM Ministries

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