My Father Recreate Me

Our Text is taken from the book of Matthew 4 vs 19.

My Father, recreate me by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

That prayer point is our topic. Please listen carefully to this message. It is a very deep message which I want to try and make easy, for you to understand.

In Matthew 4, Peter was already a fully blooded man. Peter was already married. Possibly he had children. He was an expert fisherman. He was not a small boy, neither was he still in his mother’s womb. He was already grown up. But in verse 19, Jesus said something to him.

Peter had already been traveling in his journey of life before he met Jesus. But it now got to a stage here which is critical. Peter was already made. He was not a fisher of men. He was a fisher of fish. Then at his old age now, somebody grabbed him and said “although a fisher of fish, I will now make you a fisher of men”.

Listen to me very very carefully. There is a reinventing power. There is a recreating power. God is the creator. There is no one created that by God that He does not know how to panel beat or deal with. In our journey of life, God ordains contracts and persons to bring us to our place of purpose. God ordains situations, circumstances, connections, destiny helpers to move us to where He might work in us and through us.

God receives us as we are but if we allow Him, He does not leave us as we are. When you come to Jesus, He will take you as you are. You say “Father, I am a prostitute and I am coming to you”. He says “whosoever will, may come”. You say “Father I am a drunkard, I come to you”. He says “whosoever will, may come.” You say “Father, I am a liar, I come to you”. He says “whosoever will, may come”.

But if you allow Him, He does not leave you as you are. He begins to work in your life, changing that life for you. No man is beyond divine recreation as long as you yield yourself. “I will make you fishers of men. You were a fisher of fish. True. You are an old man but I will make you a fisher of men. Follow me and I will make you a fisher of men.”

So who you follow determines what follows you. If you follow confusion, confusion follows you. If you follow excellence, excellence follows you. “Follow me,” He says, “and I will make you…” So it is when you follow Him that He will make you what He wants you to become. If you do not follow Him and you do not listen to instructions, you will be in trouble. Serious trouble! You are made by whom you follow. If you follow the devil, he will confuse you. If you follow the Lord, He will remake you.

===> I prophesy upon you, you will follow Jesus! You will follow Jesus! You will follow Jesus in the name of Jesus!

The Bible says for the first time in the life of Saul the king of Israel, he began to prophesy. Why? Because he found himself in the company of prophets. He followed the prophets and because he was following the prophets, he too began to prophesy until people said “Is Saul also among the prophets? Is he there?” If you follow fools, you die like a fool.

God takes us as we are, but if you allow Him and you yield yourself, and you say “all to Jesus I surrender”, He will now take you and begin to remake you. Where the world has put poison for you, He throws out the poison. Where they planted arrows, He throws out the arrows. Where they put iron and the iron is not supposed to be there, He removes it. Where they have turned the head upside down, He turns it the right way. But the process and the duration of the remaking of each person differs from person to person.

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MFM Ministries

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